Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Shit You Should Have Listened to by Now: Slam Poetry Edition

So my junior year of high school, I sort of accidentally stumbled upon a video of a slam poetry performance. I was immediately hooked. These artists, man. The right poem performed by the right person at the right time has the power to change your life (and knock the wind out of you, in some circumstances). I truly believe that. This isn't conventional written poetry. This is innovative, a lot of incorporates music. It's funny, it's inspiring, it's raw as fuck. Do yourself a favor and listen to this.

If you like it, some others you should look up (all on YouTube)
  • The Information Man, by Buddy Wakefield
  • Hurling Crowbirds at Mockingbars, Buddy Wakefield
  • anything and everything Buddy does, actually. The man is a God.
  • Shake the Dust, by Anis Mojgani
  • If I Should Have a Daughter, by Sarah Kay
  • That Girl, by Alysia Harris
+a million more, but these are my top favorites. Concluding post now

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