Thursday, December 5, 2013

On Teenage Girls: Society's Ultimate Punching Bag

I've long since noticed that people, in a general sense, really hate teenage girls. We're mocked, we're written off as shallow, catty, "basic" (the newest favorite). Well, my response to that is a resounding Fuck You. A quote I read awhile back: "People don’t wanna be compared to the teenage girl; the teenage girl is hated, teenage girls hate themselves. If you listen to a certain kind of music, if you express your emotions in a certain way, you're told you 'are being such a girl'." Everything that teenage girls like is ridiculed. We can't even wear certain types of clothing or drink goddamn starbucks coffee without being taunted for it- and why? Why is it that the things that girls like are considered inherently vapid, whereas boys get off to watching other dudes throw a football around or playing video games or listening to shitty rap music, and those are considered legitimate interests? Even girls now say things about how they're "not like the other girls" (a totally different rant for a different day, I'll get to that eventually) because it's considered a terrible thing to be like a girl. Girls want to prove that they're one of the guys, that they don't like the silly shallow girly things that other girls like. Fuck that. I think girls are awesome, because we aren't afraid to be really, genuinely excited about things. We have to take so much shit from society about everything- how we look, what we wear, what we like. Teenage girls are constantly being torn down by everyone. If you think you look cute today, take a selfie. Take a million selfies. Don't stop talking about that boy band or that tv show or even the Twilight movies. You do you, homegirl. My point is, your  'white girl jokes' are more than a harmless joke, they're a reflection of how you feel about women. We take boys seriously. Whether they like football or comic books, we take their interests seriously because we respect men. The root of this unfortunate phenomenon is sexism, point blank. So let's all give girls a break. Let's celebrate girls, because they really are incredibly diverse, and most are pretty cool. I'm off to order a Starbucks mocha in my leggings now

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