Sunday, March 22, 2015

Life, Lately: 3/22/15

It's been a crazy month, I suppose I could say. I've had a ton of blog ideas and am planning on finally getting back on these for the upcoming month of April- but for now, it's just been a lot of introspection and whatnot. Recently, I made a pretty big mistake. Hopefully I'll be able to come to terms with it and write a detailed post on it later, because I do want to prevent anyone else from making this same mistake- but for now I'm just focusing on moving forward. It's been pretty cool, because I've gained a lot of insight, and feel at my best in terms of my mental/inner self? As my future husband / rapper Aubrey aka ' Drake' Graham once said, "sometimes the negatives help me to get a better picture." So anyway, here's a brief overview of what's been going on in the meantime:

Trying: harder. Just in general.

Learning: a lot. About myself, about the world, etc. Rethinking and reprioritizing  a lot of things in light of new knowledge, which is nice, and proof of growth and whatnot.

Thankful: for the tremendous amount of support from my family, from Alex (who is my boyfriend now, how wild is that lol),  from Anju, from my other close friends. For always being given a second chance. For my ability to see beauty everywhere and in everything, no matter what.

Reading: a ton, finally. I've missed reading for pleasure and not just school. Right now I'm in the middle of 'Me Before You', which is fantastic and funny and heartbreaking in the best way. Now that I've started reading heavily again, I don't think I'll be able to stop.

Writing: also a lot more. Primarily just journaling, which I suggest to everyone- somehow just keeping a 'diary' like a middle schooler is the most stress relieving, mind organizing, settling thing ever. I've also started writing poems again, and drafting blog posts. Ya girl is back!!!!

Listening: To Sufjan Stevens' new album (seriously. This shit is so good for the soul. Do yourself the favor). Listened to the new Kendrick all the way through yesterday (nice??), new Modest Mouse (also nice???),  and of course still always playing my bae Drake. Gotta support.

Feeling: happy, sad, energetic, lazy, reserved, centered, introspective, peaceful, anxious, a billion different things and paradoxes. All is well, though. Such is life, and it is a beautiful life, despite it all.

Sorry this was a bit of a jumbled post that probably nobody will care about besides me, but personal documentation is what this is all about. I hope y'all are doing well !!!!! Don't hesitate to hit me up whether we know each other personally or not, I'm really in the mood to talk and hear different perspectives/stories as of late. STAY COOL bye

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